Plastic Power

The Pioneer Nespresso is much more than just a good looking pocket knife – it’s doing its part to reduce plastic waste.

What‘s better than a Swiss army knife, the most iconic of outdoor essentials? How about one that’s helping you do its part for the environment? Victorinox, makers of the iconic blades, has teamed up with fellow Swiss success story Nespresso to create the limited-edition Pioneer Nespresso, a knife made from a very special aluminum.

Victorinox has been making its iconic Swiss army knives since 1884, and the little red pocket knives have become synonymous with travel, adventure, and the great outdoors. The project with Nespresso was an opportunity for both brands to showcase their sustainability initiatives with a limited release of this striking blade of just 750.

The new pocket knife, limited to 750 pieces and presented in a warm caramel brown based on the coffee company’s Livanto blend, features a casing made from recycled Nespresso capsules – 24 pods per knife in fact –
that are sourced from around the world thanks to partnerships with participating national postal services.

The new pocket knife features a main blade, a can opener, two screwdrivers, a hole punch, a wire stripper, and that oh-so-important
bottle opener. Just be sure to pack it in your check-in luggage.

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Ultimate Encounters staff writers and contributors are made up of seasoned travel journalists and expedition leaders who have travelled the globe seeking thrilling new experiences for our readers.

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